
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

No Singingarc :(

In other news, it looks like Frogg and I won't be playing in Vegas on March 1st after all :( There simply wasn't enough advanced ticket sales and sponsorship for the large 11 hour event that was going to feature 11 different musicians. Well, dang! I'll have to go to Vegas another time, I guess. That's okay :) Although I was really looking forward to playing live to real people standing in front of me once more, as we get to do it so rarely these days.

Still doing a lot of Second Life shows though, so that's really cool! I enjoy playing there so much... Such an amazing audience, and such wonderful compliments. I kind of get a swelled head sometimes hehe...

In other news, I went all nostalgic and bought some land in the Hantu sim; the same exact land (for the most part) that I used to own two years ago with my sister. I still had most of the old things that were on the land, and basically recreated my park that had been there before. It's very cool to see it again, and a nice addition to the landscape :)


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