Hooray for Luskwood and music! =^.^=

As always in Lusk, there was a great audience with lots of wonderful furs and people on hand to dance and provide witty banter. ^^ I just love playing there; Lusk is one of my favorite places to perform. I'm honored each time I am asked to participate in a show there. I hear we even filled the sim, and did a pretty good job of filling Perry next door too with overflow listeners! Somebody mentioned that it might have been the biggest event they'd had to date, but I doubt that... As swelled as my head likes to get over such touching comments I suspect there have been other wonderful events too... For instance, the Halloween and New Year's parties had things jumping pretty good! I heard from many folks there that they'd love to have us back more often, and so I did my little happy dance ^^
I love lots of things about Luskwood: the sense of community and pride that is always present there, the wonderful intellectual conversations I overhear, the multitude of customized furs and personalities, and of course the awesome DJ'ing from folks like Kody, Gog, Shady, Zorin and Hervy (and many others I'm missing hehe). I guess I'm something of a fanboy, but I'm also very proud to have a small rental plot in Lusk, to feel more a part of it all, you know? I got my furry start in SecondLife, so for me Luskwood is the Washington D.C. of the genre, hehe. I know there's a lot more out there, and I'm starting to get more familiar with the different avenues of furry exploration, but I've fallen in love with SL in general, and so Luskwood itself will always hold a special spot in my heart.
Tonight we perform at the Blarney Stone, however, which is also a top notch place! They really know how to run a venue right, to be sure, and cover all the bases... It's a very relaxing show, knowing things are set and contingency plans have been made well in advance in case things go awry. It's also a two hour show, but it starts a bit early, so hopefully I'll get a little time after the show to visit and chat with people before having to turn in for the night.
Okay, that's a long entry for now, write more some other time! Thanks for reading :D
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